Yogi Bear
Yogi Bear
Yogi comes to us from Kentucky and has the perfect “Teddy Bear” look. He is an F2B Mini-Goldendoodle, weighing 29 lbs. and stands about 15″ tall. We fell in love with Yogi’s beautiful, golden-apricot coat along with the fluffy curls, which he passes on to most of his children. As you can see from his puppy picture, his coat has gotten darker as he has gotten older. Yogi has an adorable personality! He loves to play fetch with his favorite toys, enjoys running outdoors, going to the beach, and loves to cuddle up, too.
Yogi has cleared DNA testing through Embark Veterinary Inc. He carries double furnishings and double low to no shedding genes. Other tests he has taken and cleared: OFA on hips, elbows, and patella along with heart and eye testing. Yogi also has earned the Canine Good Citizen Award and is a very intelligent pet who can respond to up to 15 training commands.